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Reconnection Course

An eight session experience to reconnect you to your true nature (two part journey)

  • Starts 12 Aug
  • 222 British pounds
  • The Yoga Barn Glasgow

Available spots

Service Description

This experience will be given over eight sessions with a one week break in the middle to allow you to process, integrate and begin to create and cultivate your own sacred space. A guide to connect to your inner World, so your innate wisdom is allowed to rise up and emerge from within you. I took many steps along my journey to change the way I move and became more aware of my own health and sense of being. As I reflect on the cycles of chaos, stress, lack of sleep hygiene, low mood and general lack of feeling in my life. I realise how disconnected I had become. This kickstarted my path to self-awareness, healing and understanding. A reconnection to myself. Since then, I have been on a quest for an understanding of the fundamental pillars that can support us all to feel well, happy, healthy and whole. My belief is we know exactly who we are and how to support ourselves, but the busy-ness of life and layers of stuff we build along our way, tends to get in the way. We can feel blocked. We can feel like we have fallen out of step with life. We can feel disconnected from the world around us. This can start to become a yearning to take time out to begin to restore and rebalance. Our current lifestyles can make it difficult to prioritise ourselves and it's often hard to put our own life and health first. But signs like burnout, constant cycles of short-term illness, feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope, constant tiredness and persistent low mood are signs that things are calling you to change. We can get stuck in these symptoms and cycles because the mainstream model doesn't provide an alternative or give us the tools to help ourselves. My mission is to support you to help yourself. This experience will begin to explore processes to: Reduce stress symptoms and cycles Promote better rest Improve self-confidence Connect to a deeper understanding of self Create sacred space and solitude Create your own empowered practice Using: Powerful Breathwork Restorative Movement Practices Deep Meditation Mantra and Affirmation Guided Relaxation Yoga Nidra Journalling We will work together to help you to calm your nervous system, and live more fully in your body, mind and Soul. It includes x8 90 minute sessions Resources and recordings Payment plans available, just ask

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If cancellations are received after this time, then no refund will be given. If the cancellation is for a treatment under 24 hours, then 50% of the treatment price will be requested.

Contact Details

  • 82 Dumbreck Road, Bellahouston, Glasgow, UK


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